Sunday, 26 September 2010

My most important relation

I have been saying & thinking that my life partner has to perform multiple roles in my life. I recently had an awesome experience of the roller-coaster the most important relation my life is going to be with my one & only life partner.

A day before she was my mother, even I can say my granny; telling me how I should be behaving with my dad at home. What I can & cannot expect from him & how I should be responding to his irritating behavior. And last evening she became my daughter, the one that hasn't seen the difficult part of life. But like a caring father I have to let her face the world. Face the troubles of life to be a better person. To withstand the pressures & responsibilities that the life has to offer, come out with flying colours. I have to trust her for her abilities, for the very reason that she's me!

I am beginning to enjoy this part of convergence of two lives into one! I am thrilled!

Sunday, 19 September 2010

'Inception' of food for thought

It’s been a long time since I wanted to blog this, but somehow couldn’t happen. I watched ‘Inception’ about a month back. Another Christopher Nolan masterpiece! Damn, he goes deeper than you think you can ever think of.

How do you implant an idea into someone’s mind? What could be the impact of that? Is that science? Is that philosophy? Is that introspection? Made me think a lot after the movie was over. I came in hangover of thoughts after the movie was over & haven’t been able to recover yet from that. I wanted to see that again but couldn’t find any company. Although irony is that I watched it the first time all by myself, alone! Yeah, I do that sometimes. I watch the movies that I consider a piece of art & every art should get its due share of respect. At least you should be able to understand the motive of the creator, if not all the thoughts in his/her mind. Watching movies is not just a pass time for me; in fact it is not a pass time for me at all.

The best part of Christopher Nolan’s movies is the climax; he leaves it for you to think about it. Remember ‘Memento’? Not to mention the screenplays & the way he weaves the story a.k.a. ‘The Prestige’, ‘Insomnia’ & ‘The Dark Knight’. He’s carrying his legacy to ‘Inception’. How deep can you go once you got yourself into something? How deep is your worst fear & how far can you go to conquer it? Or before you give in to it? And finally, how well can you accept something called reality & how you deal with it? Answers to all these questions will determine how your life will be. You think ‘Inception’ was supposed to be a science fiction; and I’m talking all about philosophy. But there is no science beyond human mind; right from what exactly is the MIND? Where it exists? How does it function? I love this food for thought. I’m always hungry for something like this, but alas very few people like Christopher Nolan, Martin Scorsese can feed me on it.

It has been a long time since ‘The Departed’ that I got to watch something as good as this. There was something like ‘Burn After Reading’ but it didn’t come close. I am really looking forward for some more food to satiate my hunger, so if you know about something, please suggest me.